Spiritual Care Ministry

At Plantation UMC, we are here for you. With many support groups, we hope you find the care you are looking for.

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For those who want to dive deeper into prayer and healing, we offer a 13-week class led by Rev. Diane Gutierrez, our Congregational Care Pastor.  This intensive study delves into the 26 healings of Jesus and how God brings healing into the world today.  The class is offered occasionally.  Space is limited.  To learn more, please contact Pastor Diane by EMAIL.  


Stephen Ministry

Stephen Ministry is caregiving ministry that supplements pastoral care. The program teaches laypersons to provide one-on-one care for individuals who request support. The confidential care-giver and care-receiver relationship, usually conducted by weekly visits, may continue for months or years. If you are interested in more information about receiving care from a trained Stephen Minister, please click the button below. If you interested in serving as a Stephen Minister, click here.


Griefshare group

We offer a 13-week bereavement program called "GriefShare". GriefShare is a special seminar and support group for people grieving the loss of someone close. GriefShare is a nondenominational group and features biblical teaching on grief and recovery topics. Meetings are held in Room 309 of the Music Wing "Mondays from 10 am--12 pm". Registration is $25.00 & includes the workbook. This program is open to Church members and the Community. Please come join us! For more information, please contact the church office at 954-584-7500.


Clinical Social Work/Therapist, LCSW
Catalina Granja

Maybe you are looking for someone to help you make sense of a stressful situation within yourself, your marriage or your family- to help you learn how you may yourself be creating or adding to that stress (without realizing it, of course!). That's ok, most of us have done this. I am here to help. I can work together with you to develop more effective ways of dealing with these life stressors so that you can learn to live a happier and successful life. As a psychotherapist I have learned how to guide my clients to do just that. Please call Catalina at 954-464-4971 for a free consultation.

Spiritual Care Leaders

Be in ministry for our congregation and community by signing up for one of the Spiritual Care Ministries


Prayer Ministry:

Be a part of this powerful prayer team that intercedes with the Lord for our congregation and community's concerns. If you are interested in joining the team, please contact Sandra Beach EMAIL

visitation Ministry:

We have many people in our family of faith who are no longer able to make it to worship because of illness or disability. You can be a part of keeping them connected and letting them know that they are loved and valued! If you enjoy spending time with people in need, we would love to talk with you about the visitation team! Visiting in teams of two, on a pre-scheduled rotation, the scheduled team will receive assignments for people needing visits. Each team will make visits at some point during their assigned week. Training will be provided. For more information, contact the church office at by email or at 954-584-7500.

Bread Ministry: (On Hiatus)

One of the unique traditions at Plantation UMC is delivering bread to our first time visitors following worship. Bread is a biblical symbol of the body of Christ, and nothing says "welcome!" better than a fresh loaf of bread. If you would be interested in providing small loaves of bread, or in delivering the loaves to our visitors to thank them for worshipping with us, we'd love to have you join our team! For more information, contact the church office by email or at 954-584-7500.